Weekly Communication – Week Commencing 29th January 2024

Dear Colleagues

Please see your weekly overview update on behalf of the Director of Adult and Community Wellbeing (DASS) and Director of Public Health (DPH)

Social Care TV Credits

We have some free eLearning course credits available via SCTV to complete various learning in a range of Health & Social Care topics.

If you would like to know more, please get in touch with adultstraining@northlincs.gov.uk

The link for Social Care TV is as: Homepage – Social Care TV (social-care.tv)

Covid-19 guidance for care homes in outbreak

Information below is sent out on behalf of Primary Care and Infection Prevention Control.  North Lincolnshire Health and Care Partnership

Outbreak definition:

An outbreak consists of 2 or more positive or clinically suspected linked cases of COVID-19, within the same setting within a 14-day period. This means the cases are linked to each other and transmission within the care setting is likely to have occurred.

An outbreak may be suspected when there is an increase in the number of residents displaying symptoms of a respiratory infection. The provider should inform Sarah Coult – 07912 269933, email Sarah.coult@NHS.net

Or NLIPC (NHS HUMBER AND NORTH YORKSHIRE ICB – 03K) hnyicb-nl.nlipc@nhs.net  (or Hazel Moore – 07912 269933 email) hazelmoore@nhs.net ), for IPC guidance and best practice, Provider Development Team and UKHSA Tel: 0113 386 0300.

Here is the link to the current covid guidance for care homes last updated 29 January 2024, COVID-19 – supplement to the infection prevention control resource for adult social care:

COVID-19 supplement to the infection prevention and .


Please take time to read through to enable you to manage any covid outbreaks in your care home. I would recommend you read it as a live document on the internet and DO NOT print off as there are links to other documents which you may find useful.

Below are only highlights, again I stress how important it is to read the full guidance:

  • Previously if a person had symptoms, we automatically tested them for covid. This is no longer the case we only advise symptomatic testing for those eligible for COVID-19 treatments and during suspected outbreaks in care homes.  Those eligible for COVID-19 treatments should have received a pre-notification letter via their GP informing them of this. This includes Residents and staff. There is a link in the Covid-19 supplement to the infection prevention and control resource for adult social care for further reading.
  • Individuals who are eligible for COVID-19 treatments who have symptoms of a respiratory infection should take an LFD test immediately and follow the guidance for people who are eligible for covid-19 treatments. If they have a high temperature and feel unwell, they should avoid contact with other people.
  • If the individual’s test results are all negative, they can return to their normal activities if they do not have a temperature and they feel well enough to do so.
  • However if they have a positive test result they should the guidance in the section on Staff or service users with a positive COVID-19 test result.

Staff who have symptoms of a respiratory infection and are not eligible for COVID-19 treatments:

Staff who have a positive COVID-19 test result: Staff who test positive should stay away from work for a minimum of 5 days after the day they took the test. After 5 days, staff can return to work once they feel well, and do not have a high temperature. If they are still displaying respiratory symptoms when they return to work, they should speak to their line manager who should undertake a risk assessment. Although many people will no longer be infectious to others after 5 days, some people may be infectious to other people for up to 10 days from the start of their infection. Staff should be supported to avoid contact with people at higher risk from becoming seriously unwell from COVID-19 for up to 10 days after the day they took their test.

If an outbreak is suspected

  • In care homes only the first 5 residents with symptoms of a respiratory infection will be asked to take an LFD test to identify if there is an outbreak of COVID-19. This is in addition to ongoing testing for symptomatic individuals eligible for COVID-19 treatments. Any resident with symptoms of covid following the first 5 tested and not meeting the criteria eligibility for COVID-19 treatments, should not be tested but treated as if they have covid.
  • Residents who have tested positive or who are suspected of having covid should isolate for 5 days – day 0 being the first day of symptoms or testing positive – isolation ends on day 6 if they feel well and no longer have a high temperature. Outbreak measures can be lifted 5 days after the last suspected or confirmed case. There is no requirement for end of outbreak testing.
  • Contact with relatives and friends is fundamental to care home residents’ health and wellbeing and visiting should be supported. Those residents who positive/symptomatic are isolation are able to have at least one visitor at a time inside the care home during this time, with appropriate IPC precautions.  Visitors should be advised before seeing a resident that they have had a positive test and are advised to stay away from others; this can be done by the resident or by the care home if they are not able to do this. Refer to the section on Visiting arrangements in care homes.
  • The guidance is explicit that there should not be any restrictions on visits out for individuals who are not symptomatic or who have not tested positive in any circumstance.
  • Any measures that the care home chooses to implement must be proportionate, consider resident wellbeing, the care home’s legal obligations, and be risk-based. The care home manager should ensure staff, residents and their loved ones are informed of the outbreak and any relevant measures that have been implemented.
  • Care homes should ask visitors to follow the same PPE recommendations as care workers to ensure visits can happen safely. Additional requirements for face masks may be in place during a confirmed outbreak of COVID-19. This should be based on individual assessments, taking into account any distress caused to residents or barriers to communication from the use of PPE. REMEMBER TO WEAR DISPOSABLE VISORS FOR GIVING PERSONAL CARE TO COVID POSITIVE RESIDENTS.
  • During an outbreak it is recommended for staff and visitors to wear a face mask to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
  • Gloves and aprons should be worn when the care worker or visitor is providing close care for a person who has suspected or confirmed COVID-19, or when cleaning their room. These should be removed and disposed of upon leaving the room or care recipient’s home.
  • Eye protection should be worn when providing close care to someone who has suspected or confirmed COVID-19, or when cleaning their room. Eye protection used in these circumstances should be removed after leaving the room, or home of the care recipient. USE SINGLE USE EYE PROTECTION.
  • Health, social care and other professionals may need to visit residents within care homes to provide services. Visiting professionals should follow the PPE recommendations as per other visitors.
  • Residents who are isolating should be able to go into outdoor spaces within the care home grounds through a route where they are not in contact with other residents.


  • Outbreak measures can be lifted 5 days after the last suspected or confirmed case with no testing required. This is from the day of the last positive test, or the day the last resident became unwell, whichever is latest.
  • Ventilation is an important IPC measure. Letting fresh air from outdoors into indoor spaces can help remove air that contains virus particles and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Rooms should be ventilated whenever possible with fresh air from outdoors after any visit from someone outside the setting, or if anyone in the care setting has suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
  • Following the outbreak ensure a cleaning product containing  Hypochlorite disinfectant, or similar appropriate product, (that can be clearly diluted to 1,000 parts per million) (ppm) is used to deep clean the whole home not just bedrooms of those affected.
  • Ensure during the outbreak touch points are cleaned at least 6 x within a 24 hour period using a hypochlorite disinfectant.

Tests for use by symptomatic individuals eligible for COVID-19 treatments should be accessed via the NHS, replacing the existing national ordering portal. Tests for outbreak testing in care homes can continue to be ordered from the national ordering portal.

Please read the full guidance as this is only highlights. I have also included a link for the National infection prevention and control manual (NIPCM). This is an evidence-based practice manual for use by all those involved in care provision in England. It should be adopted as mandatory guidance.

National infection prevention and control

Safeguarding Adults Board Communication


New ‘Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) briefing’- Jean Willis – New learning resource added to the NLSAB website

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) are a statutory requirement for Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs). Safeguarding adults practice can be improved by identifying what is helping and what is hindering safeguarding work, in order to tackle barriers to good practice and protect adults from harm.
NLSAB have recently created a new ‘Learning from SARs briefing’ – Jean Willis, attached in this email. This document is based on a published SAR – Jean Willis, who was described as a devoted mother and grandmother, who lived an interesting and fulfilled life. Jean had a diagnosis of dementia and following a deterioration in health, she moved to a care home which she self-funded. Sadly, three months after moving to the care home Jean died in hospital aged 82, due to sepsis and multiple organ failure.
The new ‘Learning from SARs briefing’ explores the missed opportunities and recommends a number of improvements. It also creates a time for reflection on one’s own practice and prompts the reader to assess preparedness for potentially similar situations.
The learning briefing also includes useful links to other resources associated with the theme of the SAR, such as needs assessment, NHS continuing healthcare, NLSAB resources for care homes, the Care Act (2014), and more.
To access the new ‘learning from SARs briefing’- Jean Willis and previous briefings, please visit: North Lincs SAB | Training – North Lincs SAB

Discharging people at risk of or experiencing homelessness 

New guidance has been published around discharging people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. The guidance includes examples of best practice, including step by step guides and example pathways, which can be adapted to suit local practices, as well as assessing patients for safeguarding and care needs. The latter includes a reminder that a person’s ‘ordinary residence’ or ‘local connection’ is only relevant after the person has been assessed as eligible for accommodation and/or social care support.
Unsafe discharge can trigger a safeguarding concern linked to neglect and acts of omission or self-neglect. The Care Act (2014) also allows for the use of urgent provision, as there are powers to provide this under section 19(3) Care Act (2014).

Preparing for adulthood – Young people with a learning disability and autistic young people

There are around 700,000 autistic young people and adults in England and Wales. There are also around 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK, as well as many with other disabilities. Many of these young people and adults will access services from various parts of local government during their childhood, and may also require support and help as they become adults.
Transition or preparation for adulthood can be a time of excitement, but also anxiety for young people and those who care for them. The law in this area is complicated, largely because different pieces of legislation often overlap, but also because sometimes things ‘must be’ done, and sometimes they only ‘may have’ to be done.
Local Government Association created a guide which provides information about the law in England, regarding transitioning into adulthood. This guide aims, in a user-friendly way, to explain how the law ‘locks’ together to provide support and assistance during this time in young people’s lives. The guide covers legislation such as the Care Act (2014), Mental Capacity Act (2005), Human Rights Act (1998), Mental Health Act (1983), Equality Act (2010), Housing Act (1996), and many more, including legislation related to children and young people.
For more information about transitioning into adulthood, please visit: Preparation for adulthood | Local Government Association

Cultural competence in the context of safeguarding

Newcastle Safeguarding Adults and Children Boards produced a multi-agency guidance, which provides a framework for best practice when working in circumstances where there are concerns that cultural factors may be influencing patterns of risk.
The guidance sets out practice principles and an approach to support effective safeguarding across different ethnic groups, religions, and cultural backgrounds and communities. The guidance can be used by practitioners who work with adults and children.
The guidance comprises eight sections:
  • Six competencies for effective safeguarding
  • Faith and culture safeguarding risk checklist
  • Faith, culture and vulnerability
  • Poverty
  • Other specific issues and vulnerabilities
  • Abuse linked to spiritual and religious practices
  • Service directory
  • Resources

LGBT+ History Month – February 2024

LGBT+ History Month is celebrated every February across the UK. The 2024 theme, ‘Medicine – #UnderTheScope,’ celebrates LGBT+ people’s contribution to the field of medicine and healthcare, both historically and today.
In 2018, the government conducted a survey to gather more information about the experiences of LGBT people in the UK. The findings of the survey show that:
  • On average, respondents were less satisfied with their life nowadays than the general population, scoring it 6.5 out of 10, compared with 7.7 for the general UK population
  • Underreporting hate crime is a common issue
  • LGBT people can be unwilling or unable to use relevant services for fear of homophobic, transphobic or biphobic responses from staff and other people who use those services, or because they do not think the response will meet their needs
  • 59% of trans women and 56% of trans men who responded to the survey said they had avoided expressing their gender identity for fear of a negative reaction from others
  • 40% of respondents had experienced an incident in the 12 months preceding the survey committed by someone they did not live with and because they were LGBT
  • Around a quarter (26%) had experienced verbal harassment, insults or other hurtful comments, 14% had experienced disclosure of their LGBT status without permission, 6% had been threatened with physical or sexual harassment or violence, 2% had experienced physical violence, and 2% had experienced sexual violence
Galop is the UK’s LGBT+ anti-abuse charity. Galop works directly with thousands of LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence every year. They specialise in supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, honour-based abuse, forced marriage, so-called conversion therapies, and other forms of interpersonal abuse.
The Galop helpline offers emotional support, provides information, and can help to explore your options depending on your needs. Translation services are available to those who do not have English as a first language and would prefer to speak in their native language.
You can contact the helpline free of charge by ringing: 0800 999 5428 (Monday-Thursday, 10am-4:30pm and Friday, 10am-4:00pm).
You can also email: help@galop.org.uk at any time.
Galop also offers advocacy and casework – to make a referral, please click here:  Make a referral – Galop the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity – Galop
To access a variety of publications and resources, please visit: LGBT+ resources and publications – Galop
For more information about Galop and the services offered, please visit: Galop – the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity
To find out more about this year’s LGBT+ History Month, please visit: – LGBT+ History Month (lgbtplushistorymonth.co.uk)

Information sharing in the context of adult safeguarding

Sharing the right information, at the right time, with the right people, is fundamental to good practice in safeguarding adults but has been highlighted as a difficult area of practice. Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) frequently highlight failures in communication between safeguarding partners, leading to serious harm and in some cases, even death.
Organisations need to share safeguarding information to:
  • Help people get the right support to reduce risk and promote wellbeing
  • Prevent death or serious harm
  • Coordinate safeguarding responses to improve best practice
  • Enable early interventions to prevent the escalation of risk
  • Reveal patterns of abuse that were previously undetected and that could identify others at risk of abuse
  • Identify low-level concerns that may reveal people at risk of
To find out more about effective information sharing, please visit: Safeguarding adults: sharing information | SCIE
North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board produced a 7-minute briefing on information sharing, which can be accessed here: 7-MB-Information-Sharing-FINAL.pdf (northlincssab.co.uk)

‘Our people’ app – a new wellbeing app by the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership launched a new app for health, care, emergency service, local authority, and VCSE staff across North and North East Lincolnshire, Humber, East Riding and North Yorkshire.
The app is designed to maintain and improve the wellbeing and physical and mental health of staff by providing a range of self-help resources to people ‘on the go.’ Centred around the five ways to wellbeing (be active, connect, take notice, keep learning, and give), the app makes looking after your wellbeing fun and interactive.
For more information about the ‘Our people’ app including links to download it, please visit: Introducing our fabulous new wellbeing app – HNY Our People – HNY Resilience Hub
Alternatively, you can download the app by scanning the below QR codes:
pictue of a phone displaying the Our People wellbeing app. Also has QR codes to scan to download the app

Enhanced safeguarding threshold document training – Book your FREE space now!

North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board are offering further sessions to raise awareness about the enhanced safeguarding threshold document. The training will take place via MS Teams and will last around 30 minutes.

The training is for anyone who works with adults with care and support needs, in any setting. Please note that this training is suitable for people who are based in North Lincolnshire – other local authorities may have different guidance on safeguarding thresholds.

At the end of the training, participants will have an increased understanding of what is reportable and what is not reportable to the Safeguarding Adults Team. This will ensure a consistent approach across our partnerships and local organisations.

Please note, these online sessions will not differ from the ones held earlier on in the year, so if you attended one of the sessions in the past, there is no need to book again (unless a refresher is needed).

The dates available are:

  • Thursday 15th February 2024, 9:30am-10am, via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 20th February 2024, 4pm-4:30pm, via MS Teams
  • Friday 23rd February 2024, 2pm – 2:30pm, via MS Teams
Training resources will be shared with all participants for wider dissemination among their teams/organisations. Following the training, participants will be asked to complete a short evaluation form – this will be sent to you at a later date.
To book your FREE space, please complete our training booking form, which can be accessed via the link below:
Alternatively, you can book your space by scanning the QR code:
If you have any queries, please contact SafeguardingAdultsBoard@northlincs.gov.uk, or Martyna.Kluska@northlincs.gov.uk

For more useful information and resources about safeguarding adults, please visit the NLSAB website www.northlincssab.co.uk

Please disseminate widely across your organisation.

Domestic Abuse Partnership Board Communication


Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week – 5th– 11th February 2024

Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week is the UK’s national week to raise awareness of sexual abuse and violence, and to provide an opportunity for any organisation or individual to engage in dialogue.
Data suggests that 6.54 million women and 1.34 million men in total have been raped or sexually assaulted as an adult, in England and Wales. That’s 1 in 4 women and 1 in 18 men. 68,109 rapes were recorded by police between July 2022 and June 2023. By the end of that 12-month period, charges had been brought in just 2.2% (1,498) of cases. In other words, just 2 in 100 rapes recorded by police between July 2022 and June 2023 resulted in someone being charged that same year, let alone convicted.
Most victims/survivors of sexual abuse don’t report it to the police. 5 in 6 women who are raped don’t report, and the same is true for 4 in 5 men. Lots of these victims/survivors tell someone else what happened, but no the police. The barriers to reporting sexual abuse and violence include victims/survivors feeling ’embarrassed’ and ‘humiliated,’ and some feel like the police wouldn’t be able to help them.
Rape Crisis England and Wales is a charity working to end sexual violence and abuse. The charity is also the membership organisation for the 39 rape crisis centres across England and Wales. The charity offers 24/7 helpline for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has been affected by rape, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or any other form of sexual violence.
Helpline telephone: 0808 500 2222
The charity also offers an online chat support: 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line (247sexualabusesupport.org.uk)
For more information about Rape Crisis England and Wales, please visit: Rape Crisis England & Wales
For information and resources relating to this year’s Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, please visit: #ITSNOTOK – SEXUAL ABUSE AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE AWARENESS WEEK – Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week

Domestic abuse victims given fresh support to escape abuse

The Home Office has announced that hundreds of domestic abuse victims/survivors will receive lifeline payments to help them escape tormenting and often life-threatening abuse, and to help rebuild their lives thanks to an additional £2 million investment.
From 31st January 2024, victims/survivors of domestic abuse who do not have the financial means to leave their abusers will be able to apply for a one-off payment of up to £500 via one of over 470 support services, for essential items such as groceries, nappies or support with new accommodation, to help them and their children flee to safety.
For the first time, victims can also apply for a further one-off payment of up to £2,500 to help secure a sustainable independent future, such as putting down a deposit for rental accommodation.
The fund will be delivered via referrals from a network of local frontline services in England and Wales including organisations, helplines and caseworkers who have a specialist understanding of domestic abuse.
For more information about this Home Office initiative, please visit: Domestic abuse victims given fresh support to escape abuse – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Information and support for victims/survivors of domestic abuse with no recourse to public funds

No recourse to public funds (NRPF) is a condition that applies to most migrants in the UK until they have permanent settled status. Undocumented migrants and many asylum seekers also have no recourse to public funds. It means that they can’t claim most forms of state benefits. It also means that they may not be able to access accommodation in a refuge. This can be a major barrier to escaping abuse.
Immigration restrictions such as no recourse to public funds leave people more vulnerable to domestic abuse, as often victims/survivors depend on their partner/family for financial support. The person may feel worried about seeking help, leaving them feeling trapped with the abuser. The abuser may use the person’s immigration status to control them and threaten to have the person’s visa removed, or to have the person deported if they report the abuse.
Surviving Economic Abuse and Southall Black Sisters produced a guide for victims/survivors of domestic abuse who have no recourse to public funds, outlining steps which can be taken to reach safety. The guide covers areas related to securing immigrations status, legal and financial support, accommodation, access to healthcare, and service directory of various support organisations.

Domestic homicide oversight mechanism: HALT study briefings

The Domestic Abuse Commissioner commissioned researchers at the HALT study at Manchester Metropolitan University to conduct analysis of Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) in relation to the following themes: criminal justice, health services, children’s services, and adult social care.
Many of the themes identified in the analysis overlap. Themes and recommendations from the study relate to:
  • Lack of multi-agency working and information management
  • Improving assessments
  • Self-funded care
  • Developing practice
  • Training and development for staff
  • Policy and process: develop, amend or follow
  • Good practice
  • National recommendations
To access the reports, please visit: Reports – Domestic Abuse Commissioner

For more useful information and resources about safeguarding adults and domestic abuse, please visit the NLSAB website www.northlincssab.co.uk

Please disseminate widely across your organisation.

Many Thanks

Performance Support Officer
Provider Development Team