Weekly Communication – Week Commencing 31/10/22
Dear Colleagues
Please see your weekly overview update on behalf of the Director of Adult and Community Wellbeing (DASS) and Director of Public Health (DPH)
Skills for Care
Please can we remind providers you are required to keep your information up to date on the Skills for Care website.
New Wellbeing app for health care and emergency services staff
A new health and wellbeing app is available for health care and emergency service staff across North and North East Lincolnshire, Humber, East Riding and North Yorkshire.
The app, called HNY Our People is designed to maintain and improve the wellbeing and physical and mental health of staff by providing a range of self-help resources to people ‘on the go’.
Please share this information with your staff.
Find out more on YouTube HNY Our People Wellbeing app – June 2022 – YouTube. Download the app on iOS or Google Play.
Training available
A wide range of training and courses is available to our external providers involved in the delivery of Services to Adults in North Lincolnshire to support them to deliver high quality and excellent services. Please use the link below for more information.
Training for staff delivering services to adults
Learning and Development Plan – Registered Managers
Following the recent session, we write to thank you once again for all your contributions and provide a progress update as follows.
Please see attached, at the top of this email, updated Learning Directory RM’s. As agreed, the information gathered together with the additional contributions received have been arranged using the following format which we hope makes the information easily accessible: –
- Care worker
- Care worker – career progression
- Registered Managers
- Drop-in sessions/information
- RM Forum Planner
Please note the ‘care worker tab’ has been our first area of focus with more work required on the other tabs which is ongoing.
The updated Learning Directory will be shared for information at the next Care & Health Workforce Partnership on 2 November.
In terms of next steps, we propose to hold a further session mid-November to finalise the learning directory and progress the L&D Plan to which the Learning Directory will be an appendix. It would be great to have a completed L&D Plan to be in place and accessible from the new year.
A diary invite will be forwarded for an online meeting on Tuesday 15 November at 1:30-2:30pm. We hope this is convenient and look forward to seeing you then, however, should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards
Provider Development Team