Weekly Communication – Week commencing 9th October 2023
Dear Colleagues
Please see your weekly overview update on behalf of the Director of Adult and Community Wellbeing (DASS) and Director of Public Health (DPH)
NHS Capacity Tracker – Mandatory Window Closes Monday, 16 October 2023
The October 2023 ASC Provider Data Collection window closes on Monday 16th October 23.59
- Provider Training Sessions are available here
- Ensure you have more than one user to update the system
- Support Centre team are available to provide help by calling 0191 691 3729 (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm (excl bank holidays) or by email necsu.capacitytracker@nhs.net
Please can you also complete the covid boxes on the tracker if applicable.
Medicine Matters Newsletter
FREE Lunch and Learn Sessions on Labour Exploitation in the Care Sector – Book Your Space Now!
- Wednesday 15th November 2023, 12pm – 1pm (online session),
- Wednesday 17th January 2024, 12pm – 1pm (online session).
For more useful information and resources about safeguarding adults, please visit the NLSAB website www.northlincssab.co.uk
Safeguarding Adults Board Communication
New film celebrates North Lincolnshire’s care workers
It’s a two – way thing, being cared for and caring. A brand – new film has been launched celebrating North Lincolnshire’s care worker heroes, and the amazing difference they make to our loved ones every day.
The Proud to Care film is being shown to local households via Sky TV and at Vue Cinemas Scunthorpe.
The film is available from: Celebrating North Lincolnshire’s care workers – YouTube
Oliver McGowan draft code of practice on statutory learning disability and autism training
The introduction of the requirement for learning disability and autism training by the Health and Care Act 2022, and publication of this code of practice represent a significant moment in the journey towards improving the care and treatment of people with a learning disability and autistic people.
Every person with a learning disability and autistic person has the right to excellent care. Services must treat people equitably, but should also acknowledge and adapt to the individual needs of people with a learning disability and autistic people.
The Learning from lives and deaths – people with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR) programme enables us to build up a picture of the key improvements needed to tackle existing health disparities, faced by people with a learning disability and autistic people. The annual LeDeR reports have consistently recommended the introduction of mandatory training on learning disability, for health and social care staff.
The Oliver McGowan draft code of practice on statutory learning disability and autism training is available from: Oliver McGowan draft code of practice on statutory learning disability and autism training – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The easy read draft code of practice can be accessed here: Oliver McGowan draft code of practice – easy read version (publishing.service.gov.uk)
To watch a short animation film explaining Oliver’s training, please visit: The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism – YouTube
For more information and resources relating to people with a learning disability and autistic people, please visit: North Lincs SAB | Policies, Procedures and Guidance – North Lincs SAB
Anti – Slavery Day – 18th October 2023
Anti – Slavery Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the fact over 49.6 million people in the world today, and an estimated 136,000 people in the UK, are trapped in conditions of modern slavery. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Anti – Slavery Day is a time to encourage governments, businesses, friends, family, and colleagues to do what they can to prevent human trafficking and protect victims of modern – day slavery.
Hope for Justice will be hosting a whole week of events and campaigns to mark the Anti – Slavery Day. For more information about the Anti – Slavery Day and to access campaign resources, please visit: Anti-Slavery Day | Hope for Justice
Modern slavery is a complex crime and may involve multiple forms of exploitation. The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying and referring potential victims of modern slavery and ensuring they receive the appropriate support.
The National referral mechanism guidance can be accessed here: National referral mechanism guidance: adult (England and Wales) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
If you are a first responder working for a designated organisation like the police, you can report modern slavery here: Report modern slavery – GOV.UK
If you are a member of the public and want to report modern slavery, please visit: File a report (modernslaveryhelpline.org) or alternatively, call the modern slavery helpline on 0800 0121 700.
For more information about modern slavery, please visit: North Lincs SAB | Training – North Lincs SAB
Step forward to online lasting powers of attorney
The most vulnerable in society will be better protected as reforms to simplify and streamline lasting powers of attorney are given Royal Assent.
The Powers of Attorney Act fires the starting gun on bringing the existing paper – based process online for the first time. The changes, when introduced, will make the system quicker, easier to access and more secure for the thousands of people who make and rely on a lasting power of attorney every year. The legislation will also strengthen existing fraud protection by allowing checks on the identity of those applying for a lasting power of attorney.
For more information about the upcoming changes to legislation, please visit: Step forward to online lasting powers of attorney – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
For more information and resources about lasting powers of attorney, please visit: North Lincs SAB | Training – North Lincs SAB
Your safeguarding journey – NLSAB website feedback feature
Earlier on in the year, the NLSAB created three safeguarding adults feedback forms, which are now available on our website. The feedback feature allows us to evaluate our safeguarding adults arrangements and adapt our practice in a timely manner.
The three forms are:
- Your safeguarding experience – for adults with a lived experience, available from: Your safeguarding experience – adults with a lived experience (Page 1 of 3) (office.com)
- Your safeguarding experience – for family / friends / carers, available from: Your safeguarding experience – for family / friends / carers (Page 1 of 3) (office.com)
- Your safeguarding experience – for advocate / IMCA / provider, available from: Your safeguarding experience – for advocate / IMCA / provider (Page 1 of 3) (office.com)
If for any reason the person who wants to submit their feedback is unable to do so online, they can contact us by email: SafeguardingAdultsBoard@northlincs.gov.uk or via telephone: 01724 297 088, and further arrangements will be made to support the person to submit their feedback.
For more information about the feedback forms, please visit: North Lincs SAB | News and Updates – North Lincs SAB or alternatively, contact the Board directly via email: SafeguardingAdultsBoard@northlincs.gov.uk
Domestic Abuse Partnership Board Communication
Domestic Abuse Awareness Month – October 2023
October marks Domestic Abuse Awareness Month. Domestic abuse is a largely hidden crime – it is estimated that less than 24% of domestic abuse crime is reported to the police. 1 in 5 adults experience Domestic Abuse during their lifetime. This equates to 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 – 7 men. For every 3 victims, 2 are female and 1 is male. 20% or 1 in 5 children have lived with an adult perpetrating domestic abuse. The social and economic costs of DA were estimated at £66 billion in England and Wales in the year 2016 – 17.
Statistics available from: Domestic Abuse Statistics UK • NCDV
Domestic abuse can take many forms such as: psychological / emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, coercive control, economic abuse, and tech abuse.
The NLSAB website offers a wide range of information, advice, and resources about domestic abuse:
- Domestic abuse legislation,
- Domestic abuse toolkit,
- Emergency contact details including emergency text service,
- WEPROTECT App – instant referral app,
- Domestic abuse training provision including perpetrator programmes,
- Coercive control,
- Stalking,
- Honour – based abuse,
- Domestic abuse campaigns, and more.
To access this information and resources, please visit: North Lincs SAB | News and Updates – North Lincs SAB
Domestic abusers tagged on release and blocked from harassing victims from prison
Hundreds of victims of domestic abuse will be better protected as perpetrators who still pose a risk once they are released from prison, will be made to wear electronic monitoring tags.
Up to 500 prison leavers in East and West Midlands will, for the first time, be made to wear a GPS or curfew tag as part of an initial pilot which is expected to be rolled out across England and Wales next year, protecting victims from further trauma.
The government has also announced that over 2,700 victims have been protected from further harassment from their imprisoned abusers thanks to a prison service scheme launched last summer.
The ‘unwanted prisoner contact service’ ensures offenders are unable to dial a victim’s number from prison phones or send out threatening letters to their address. Its relaunch last year through a simple online form and greater publicity has spared thousands from threats and abuse.
For more information about the electronic tagging pilot and the ‘unwanted prisoner contact service’, please visit: Domestic abusers tagged on release and blocked from harassing victims from prison – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Refuge launch ‘More than bricks and mortar’ dispersed accommodation report
Refuge have published a study on what specialist support should look like and how it can be delivered within a dispersed accommodation setting. The research involved consultation with survivors and Refuge frontline practitioners and managers, with the aim of developing a best practice model.
The study found that with sufficient funding and carefully thinking about service modelling, it is possible to replicate the kind of support that refuges offer for survivors in dispersed accommodation, although this is predicated on the availability of properties and sufficient funding.
To access the full report, please visit: V6-dispersed-accommodation-report-Web-higher-dpi.pdf (refuge.org.uk)
Freedom project by Dogs Trust – Supporting dog owners fleeing domestic abuse
Many refuges can’t accept pets, meaning in many cases people experiencing domestic abuse can’t leave their home until they know their dog is somewhere safe.
Freedom project by Dogs Trust provides free and confidential temporary care for dogs, enabling owners fleeing domestic abuse to access a refuge without the fear of what may happen to their dog, if left behind. Dogs within the project are cared for in the loving home of a volunteer foster carer until their owners can be safely reunited with them.
The project now runs in Greater London and South – East England, East Anglia, Yorkshire, North – East and North – West England, Scotland and Wales.
For more information about the Freedom project, please visit: Freedom Project | Dog Fostering Support | Dogs Trust
Economic abuse and the impact for victims / survivors and their children – FREE online event
This online training is aimed at all practitioners, and it will take place on Friday 24th November 9:30am – 12:45pm, via MS Teams.
During the event you will hear from Rachel Williams who has a lived experience of domestic abuse, and Jayne Mercer who will talk about destitute domestic violence concession (DDV). You will also learn about rights and routes for migrant workers and watch a performance by the Certain Curtain Theatre Company, titled ‘Life sentence.’
To book your place on this training event, please visit: Economic Abuse and the Impact for Victims / Survivors and their Children Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
If you require further information about this event, please email da-partnershipboard@northlincs.gov.uk
For more useful information and resources about safeguarding adults and domestic abuse, please visit the NLSAB website www.northlincssab.co.uk
Please disseminate widely across your organisation.
Many Thanks
Performance Support Officer
Provider Development Team