Wheels 2 Work – Care Worker Scheme

Support with transport for care workers

Are you a Care Worker looking for support with transport? North Lincolnshire Council has purchased 20 new mopeds and 20 e-bicycles which make it easier for care workers to travel and deliver care across communities.

What is the Wheels 2 Work Care Worker Scheme?

If you work for a Regulated Care organisation within North Lincolnshire, you may be entitled to apply for an electric moped to undertake your duties out in the community. Please check with your employer to see if they are part of the scheme.

Take advantage of our offers – You can now hire an Electric moped at a discounted monthly cost of £20 per month for the first 6 months. The scheme will also be expanded to electric bicycles at a discounted rate of £10 per month. After the initial 6 months, original rates will apply.

A fully equipped electric scooter makes it even easier to deliver care. The £99 start-up cost and Compulsory Basic Training are funded through Proud to Care.

Am I eligible for the scheme?

Please check the eligibility criteria below to see if you qualify for the Wheels 2 Work Care Worker Scheme.

  • You must be 16 years or over
  • If under 18, a parent or guardian must act as a guarantor
  • You must live within the county of North Lincolnshire
  • You must have a driving licence with the ‘AM’ category on and with your current address
  • Firm offer of work with one of the nominated care companies that is supporting the scheme
  • Already in work with one of the nominated care companies that is supporting the scheme
  • At risk of losing job or placement due to transport difficulties. You will be asked about this
  • You must be able to secure a scooter at home away from the public highway – this will be checked before a decision is taken
  • If all the above are ok and you are accepted onto the scheme, you will need to take a training course before the handover. It is called Compulsory Basic Training or CBT course with our Current Trainer. The helmet and gloves are collected from the trainer. Once you are accepted details will be sent to you. The scheme pays for the training
  • You need to make sure you can afford the deposit and monthly payments; a deposit and the first month’s hire will need to be paid before the handover. Details will be sent to you
  • The handover always takes place at our Depot and takes about an hour. Details will be sent to you with time and what to bring. The security chain and Hi-Viz waistcoat will be collected at this point.

How do I apply for the Wheels 2 Work Scheme?

If you are a care worker applying for an electric moped, please read the eligibility criteria above.

If you are eligible for the scheme, please complete the form Wheels 2 Work North Lincolnshire – North Lincolnshire Council to get your Wheels 2 Work.

Tax Relief when using your own vehicle for work

If you use your own vehicle (or vehicles) for work, you may be able to claim tax relief on the approved mileage rate.

To work out how much you can claim for each tax year you’ll need to:

  • Keep records of the dates and mileage of your work journeys
  • Add up the mileage for each vehicle type you’ve used for work
  • Take away any amount your employer pays you towards your costs, (sometimes called a ‘mileage allowance’)

Claim tax relief for your job expenses here: Vehicles you use for work. Find out more about support with transport